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Calculate working days between to dates

发布于 2017-01-04 11:11:01

I want to calculate the number of working days.

By using carbon I can calculate days and reduce weekends.

$num_days = $to_date->diffInWeekdays($from_date) + 1;

And I have an array of holidays, and I want to reduce the number of days if there is a holiday in between the days.

Is there any way to do this.

Thank you

Muhsin VeeVees
Rwd 2017-01-04 19:33:09

You could use diffInDaysFiltered to achieve what you're after.

Assuming your holidays are an array of Carbon instances you could do something like:

$start = Carbon::now()->setDate(2014, 1, 1);
$end = Carbon::now()->setDate(2015, 1, 1);

$holidays = [
    Carbon::create(2014, 2, 2),
    Carbon::create(2014, 4, 17),
    Carbon::create(2014, 5, 19),
    Carbon::create(2014, 7, 3),

$days = $start->diffInDaysFiltered(function (Carbon $date) use ($holidays) {

    return $date->isWeekday() && !in_array($date, $holidays);

}, $end);

If it's just an array of strings then you could do something like:

!in_array($date->format('[the-format-of-your-dates]'), $holidays)

Hope this helps!