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Rewrite UDF to pandas udf with ArrayType column

发布于 2020-11-22 23:14:38

I am trying to rewrite an UDF into pandas UDF.

However when it comes to the column with ArrayType inside. I am struggling to find the right solution.

I have a dataframe as below:

|      genre|                 ids|
|      Crime|[6, 22, 42, 47, 5...|
|    Romance|[3, 7, 11, 15, 17...|
|   Thriller|[6, 10, 16, 18, 2...|
|  Adventure|[2, 8, 10, 15, 29...|
|   Children|[1, 2, 8, 13, 34,...|
|      Drama|[4, 11, 14, 16, 1...|
|        War|[41, 110, 151, 15...|
|Documentary|[37, 77, 99, 108,...|
|    Fantasy|[2, 56, 60, 126, ...|
|    Mystery|[59, 113, 123, 16...|

The following UDF works well:

pairs_udf = udf(lambda x: itertools.combinations(x, 2), transformer.schema)
df = df.select("genre", pairs_udf("ids").alias("ids"))

The output is like:

|      genre|                 ids|
|      Crime|[[6, 22], [6, 42]...|
|    Romance|[[3, 7], [3, 11],...|
|   Thriller|[[6, 10], [6, 16]...|
|  Adventure|[[2, 8], [2, 10],...|
|   Children|[[1, 2], [1, 8], ...|
|      Drama|[[4, 11], [4, 14]...|
|        War|[[41, 110], [41, ...|
|Documentary|[[37, 77], [37, 9...|
|    Fantasy|[[2, 56], [2, 60]...|
|    Mystery|[[59, 113], [59, ...|

However, what would be the equivalent when writing the function in pandas udf.

PS: I understand, alternatively, I can use cross-join to achieve the same results.

But, I am more curious about how do pandas udf handle column with ArrayType.

D.J 2020-11-28 11:22:28

I am going to share my findings here:

there are 3 aspects in order to make pandas udf work for your project:

1. pandas UDF, or more precisely, Apache Arrow does not support complex types as common udf dose.(as of pyspark 3.0.1, pyarrow 2.0.0)


2. if you are running Java 11, which is the default in (py)Spark 3. you need to add the following as part of your spark config:


this will solve the java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException mentioned above.

3. make sure your virtual environment python path is added to your pyspark_python

i.e. environ['PYSPARK_PYTHON']='./your/virutal/enviroment/path'