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Pyspark: Extracting rows of a dataframe where value contains a string of characters

发布于 2020-11-28 07:46:44

I'm using pyspark and I have a large dataframe with only a single column of values, of which each row is a long string of characters:


I'm trying to extract rows of the dataframe where 'idxx' matches a list of strings such as ["id01", "id02", "id22", "id77", ...]. Currently, the way I extract rows from the dataframe is:

df.filter(df.col1.contains("id01") | df.col1.contains("id02") | df.col1.contains("id22") | ... )

Is there a way to make this more efficient instead of having to hard code every string item into the filter function?

mck 2020-11-28 16:00:58
from functools import reduce
from operator import or_

str_list = ["id01", "id02", "id22", "id77"]
df.filter(reduce(or_, [df.col1.contains(s) for s in str_list]))