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Github doesn't detect new folder

发布于 2014-01-08 21:32:28

I am working on a windows 8 laptop with github client connected to my remote bitbuckket git. I recently built the mobile version of my website localhost/WEBSITENAME/mobile

been working in localhost/WEBSITENAME now in loaclhost/WEBSITENAME/mobile

Now github doesn't detect the new mobile folder so I can't push my mobile files. Any help would be great as I have another developer waiting for these files.

Dustin Snider
meda 2014-01-11 04:10:10

If your directory structure looks like this:


Then make sure you are in WebsiteName directory, then run git status

If you are still getting the same error then run the following in order:

git init
git status //here you should see the mobile folder and its files
git add --all
git commit -am "committing"
git push --all