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Is it possible to set custom service account as (ADC) Application Default Credentials?

发布于 2020-11-28 10:42:07

If I create custom service account with limited permissions, can I set this new service account to be the Application Default Credential?

By default inside app engine there is environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS, that is set to the (ADC), which is the default service account credentials. Can I modify this?

I am aware that I can set this environment variable to point to my custom service account credentials file locally, but I do not see a clear way to do this in app engine.

John Hanley 2020-11-29 04:16:47

ADC is not a credential. ADC is a method of finding credentials.

Google Cloud Application Default Credentials

App Engine Standard uses one default service account per project. All App Engine Standard services in a project use the same service account. You can modify the default service account but you cannot change the default service account to use a different service account (as you can with Compute Engine).

If you decide to create a new service account for usage within your application, do not store the service account in your application. This means forget about GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. Instead, store the service account in Google Secret Manager (better) or Google Cloud Storage (OK with the right permissions). Load the service account JSON data during application startup.

Google Secret Manager