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Difference between "WSL2+docker desktop windows" and directly install docker on the WSL2 distro?

发布于 2020-05-20 19:00:05

Why is it recommended to run WSL2+docker desktop windows, instead of directly install docker on the WSL2 distro ?

It seems that both work but I read that the way to go is with docker desktop, I'm trying to understand why.

Thank you

jmaitrehenry 2020-05-21 03:09:05

The main difference between using Docker Desktop with the WSL2 integration and using docker directly in WSL2 without Docker Desktop is the level of integration with your tools.

When you use Docker desktop, you have access to docker in powershell/cmd, have access to your file on windows, the possibility to switch to Windows container and to use it with your IDE.

If you install docker inside your WSL2 distro, docker will not be accessible from Windows directly.