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Is it possible to use HDFS storage types/policies together with HBase?

发布于 2020-11-28 17:12:29

HDFS has a feature called storage types/policies - it makes possible to store files on stores with different properties (fast SSD or slow but cheap archival storage).

I wonder if it's possible to use this feature through HBase?

My use case is that I have some data that is "hot" and is expected to be accessed frequently so I want to put it in "hot" (SSD) storage and some data is "cold" and is accessed infrequently so I want to put it on a cheaper storage. And I'm trying to find out how to organize this with HBase/HDFS.

Gill Bates
rsantiago 2020-12-05 01:01:16

I can see that Storage policy let you specify a policy on a file or directory and they are applied according to certain rules.

We should remember that during HBase instalation we specify the HDFS directory where data is stored, for example:


So, /hbase is a HDFS directory where you can specify policies. We know that the HBSE directory structure would be something like:


Therefore, I would set up a Storage policy at directory level in HDFS, for example, Cold for MyTable1 and All_SSD for MyTable2:

hdfs storagepolicies -setStoragePolicy -path /hbase/data/MyFirstNamespace/MyTable1 -policy Cold
hdfs storagepolicies -setStoragePolicy -path /hbase/data/MyFirstNamespace/MyTable2 -policy All_SSD

This needs to be done after you create a new HBase table.