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Can I skip ranges when defining Named Ranges in Google Sheets?

发布于 2020-11-28 21:43:56

Like the title suggests, is there a way to skip a range or certain values when defining named values? My sheet's name is "All," and the range I have right now is All!A:B. I want to exclude A1 and B1.

I have tried {All!A1:A1000, All!B1:B1000}, but the named values section doesn't accept the column row format?

For further context, I am linking the spreadsheet to a Google form. I have multiple sections with the same questions, so I just want the questions one time (which are the values in row 1) and then all of the responses. I am defining the ranges like this for my query function, which is: ={query({time_category,first_curric},"Select * Where Col3= 'class1'"); query({time_category,second_curric},"Select * Where Col19= 'class1'"); query({time_category,third_curric},"Select * Where Col19= 'class1'")}

Please let me know if any more information is needed. Thank you!

achromatic aries
player0 2020-11-29 05:51:20

I want to exclude A1 and B1

go for All!A2:B

or offset it:

={QUERY({time_category, first_curric},  
  "where Col3  = 'class1'");  
  QUERY(QUERY({time_category, second_curric}, 
  "where Col19 = 'class1'", 0), "offset 1", 0); 
  QUERY(QUERY({time_category, third_curric},  
  "where Col19 = 'class1'", 0), "offset 1", 0}