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For loop

发布于 2013-05-15 16:13:50

I was wondering if in Java there is a function like the python range function.


and it would return


This was an easy way to make for enhanced loops. It would be great to do this in Java because it would make for loops a lot easier. Is this possible?

Kacper Lubisz
2,865 2019-12-30 07:06:33

Java 8 (2014) has added IntStream (similar to apache commons IntRange), so you don't need external lib now.

import java.util.stream.IntStream; 

IntStream.range(0, 3).forEachOrdered(n -> {

forEach can be used in place of forEachOrdered too if order is not important.

IntStream.range(0, 3).parallel() can be used for loops to run in parallel