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Your request failed. Use a different payment method, or contact us. Learn more [OR-CCSEH-21]

发布于 2020-11-29 05:53:53

I was trying to pay for google developer account but I am getting this error

Your request failed. Use a different payment method, or contact us. Learn more [OR-CCSEH-21]

I tried searching a lot but most of them have answers for [OR-CCSEH-05] but not for [OR-CCSEH-21]

What can I do?

Nimish Bansal
Nimish Bansal 2020-12-27 19:43:10
  1. I tried Union Bank of India, it didn't worked
  2. I tried State Bank of India, it didn't worked
  3. I tried Andhra Bank, it didn't worked
  4. I tried Axis Bank, it didn't worked
  5. I tried HDFC Bank, it didn't worked
  6. I tried Kotak Bank, "finally that worked".

So my only advice is first keep the details correct and iterate each and every card you can try, hopefully one card will be accepted