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Segmentation fault for all elements except the first

发布于 2020-11-29 12:01:05

so I've got a struct called 'library' that stores objects of the struct 'books', and is initialized by a list of 3 books, but when I try to print the object's attributes I get a "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" error. I understand that it means I'm trying to access some memory I don't have access to, but in this case I can access the first element correctly, so it makes me believe I initialized something incorrectly.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXBOOKS 10

typedef struct books
    char* title;
    char* author;
    int id;

typedef struct library
    int number_of_books;
    book* booklist [MAXBOOKS];

void storeBook(lib library,book CurrentBook)
    library.booklist[0] = &CurrentBook;

void printLibrary(lib library)
    for(int i = 0; i < library.number_of_books; i++)

int main()

    book b_1 = {"The trial","Kafka",101};
    book b_2 = {"The lurking fear","Lovecraft",102};
    book b_3 = {"Dora's storytime collection","Valdes",103};

    book* list = (book*)malloc(3*sizeof(book));
    list[0] = b_1; list[1] = b_2; list[2] = b_3;

    lib CurrentLibrary = {3,{list}};
    return 0;
Michael Bohanan
Krishna Kanth Yenumula 2020-11-30 22:17:25

booklist1[i] = *(booklist1+i),thenbooklist2[i][j] = *(*(booklist2+i)+j), if j=0, then *(*(booklist2+i)+j) = *(*(booklist2+i)+0) = *(booklist2[i]) = *booklist2[i]

booklist2[0] points to first row, booklist2[1] points to seconds row, and so,... on.

You are defining an array of book pointers (2D array) : book* booklist [MAXBOOKS]
But list is an array of book (1-D array). After execution this statement, lib CurrentLibrary = {3,{list}}; list array will be stored into booklist[0] row. But all other pointers of booklist[1], booklist[2],..... booklist[9] are not pointing to any element. But, you are accessing booklist[1], booklist[2], and booklist[3] in the printLibrary function. This is the reason for Segmentation fault.

For more insight (for 2-D array), please print the following lines:

printf("Title %s\n", library.booklist[0][0].title); prints--> Title The trial printf("Title %s\n", library.booklist[0][1].title); prints--> Title The lurking fear
printf("Title %s\n", library.booklist[0][2].title);prints-->Title Dora's storytime collection

But trying to access, library.booklist[1][0].title will throw segmentation fault, since second row pointer is not pointing to any element.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXBOOKS 10

typedef struct books
    char* title;
    char* author;
    int id;

typedef struct library
    int number_of_books;
    book *booklist;  // It should be 1-D array, since you are passing 1-D array of book

void storeBook(lib library,book CurrentBook)
    library.booklist[0] = CurrentBook;

void printLibrary(lib library)
    for(int i = 0; i < library.number_of_books; i++)
        printf("Book ID:%d\n",library.booklist[i].id);

int main()

    book b_1 = {"The trial","Kafka",101};
    book b_2 = {"The lurking fear","Lovecraft",102};
    book b_3 = {"Dora's storytime collection","Valdes",103};

    book* list = malloc(3*sizeof(book));
    list[0] = b_1; list[1] = b_2; list[2] = b_3;

    lib CurrentLibrary = {3,list}; // list is 1-D array of book
    return 0;

The output :

Title:The trial
Book ID:101
Title:The lurking fear
Book ID:102
Title:Dora's storytime collection
Book ID:103