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Google Sheets Sort rows by highly active non blank first?

发布于 2020-11-29 13:09:11

I have a large sheet where participant data are entered in either positive or negative values. If they did not participate the cell is blank.

         D1  D2  D3  D4  D5  D6
Player1  20  -5   3  50     -10
Player2      10   8      -8 
Player3      -9  98  46  -89 
Player4  10      25      

I would like to sort by most active players to least, how to achieve that? As of now I'm summing the data and sorting high to low now but it is evidently inaccurate to know the "highly active"

Alok 2020-11-29 22:56:38

So you can introduce a new column (say Nonparticipation) in the start, I mean immediately after Player name column and use COUNTBLANK function to check how many blank cells are there in a row, and then sort that column Nonparticipation from lowest to highest, so lowest value of Nonparticipation mean highest active player.