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How to find maximum value in a column with awk

发布于 2020-11-29 14:25:18

I have a file with two sets of data divided by a blank line:

a     3  
b     2  
c     1 

e     5   
d     8  
f     1  

Is there a way to find the maximum value of the second column in each set and print the corresponding line with awk ? The result should be:

b 3  
d 8  

Thank you.

RavinderSingh13 2020-11-30 01:26:32

Could you please try following, written and tested based on your shown samples in GNU awk.

awk '
  if(max!=""){ print arr[max],max }
    max=( (max<$2) || (max=="") ? $2 : max )
  if(max!=""){ print arr[max],max }
'  Input_file

Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.

awk '                            ##Starting awk program from here.
!NF{                             ##if NF is NULL then do following.
  if(max!=""){ print arr[max],max }  ##Checking if max is SET then print arr[max] and max.
  max=""                         ##Nullifying max here.
  max=( (max<$2) || (max=="") ? $2 : max )      ##Checking condition if max is greater than 2nd field then keep it as max or change max value as 2nd field.
  arr[$2]=$1                     ##Creating arr with 2nd field index and 1st field as value.
END{                             ##Starting END block of this program from here.
  if(max!=""){ print arr[max],max }  ##Checking if max is SET then print arr[max] and max.
' Input_file                     ##mentioning Input_file name here.