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Environment variables not being loaded into app?

发布于 2020-11-29 14:56:25

In rails 5, I used to create a file called .env in an app's root directory, add something like this to it:


and access the variables inside the app with ENV["MY_VARIABLE"]

But in a rails 6 app I do so same thing and it returns nil. When I run ENV I see lots of environment variables, but none which were in .env.

I am not sure why this would be?

Afolabi Olaoluwa Akinwumi 2020-11-29 23:47:03

Run spring stop and restart your rails app. However, if that didn't work, I like to let you know that Rails 6 now supports multiple credentials. You can use the format below:

From your rails terminals, run EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit. This will create credentials.yml.enc and master.key file for you inside /config if you don't have one.

Then you can put your credentials in a YAML file like this

    access_key_id: 123
    secret_access_key: 345

    access_key_id: 1f3649fe-ebbd-11e9-81b4-2a2ae2dbcce4
    secret_access_key: 203060d3a5456fa6cd2da3c958001440

You can fetch the credentials this way

> Rails.application.credentials[Rails.env.to_sym][:aws][:access_key_id]
#=> "123"

Then you can proceed to bundle install and run rails server

You can read up from this link on how you can fetch your credentials.