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Manifest peer latest not found error during hyperledger installation.

发布于 2017-09-23 05:30:42

I have just started exploring the blockchain technology. I was working around the installation part by following this tutorial.

I have created /mychain directory and docker-compose.yml. when i run the command sudo docker-compose up it starts pulling member services hyperledger/fabric-membersrvc. But after that it throws error

Pulling vp0 (hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest)... ERROR: manifest for hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest not found

Please someone guide me on this.

Tarun Lalwani 2017-09-23 16:28:02

Change the tag from latest to x86_64-1.0.2 in the compose file. There is no latest tag for this image. You can get all available tags on below link
