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Socket.io sequence of calls unclear

发布于 2020-11-30 01:14:02

Iḿ doing a socket.io, Node project and I dont understand the squence of calling the functions. I have the following code for the server:

//Socket setup
var io = require('socket.io')(http);
var c= [];

function y(clientid){
    console.log('Show clients: '+c)

var x = function(socketid, fn) {
    var customid = y(socketid)
    console.log('x is calling');

io.on('connection', (socket) => {
    console.log('User connected with %s', socket.id);

    socket.on('storeClientInfo', function (data) {
        console.log('Thought this would be the first call')
        //clients.push here
    x(socket.id, function(socketid, ) {
        socket.emit('random', {
            test1: 'test1',
            test2: 'test1'


My code for the client is:

var socket = io();

        socket.on('connect', function () {
            socket.emit('storeClientInfo', { customId:Math.floor(Math.random() * 100 + 1 )});

        socket.on('random', function (message) {
              //display message here

My console log outputs:

User connected with MH0WD_zNzVOzi_6oABAB
Show clients: 
x is calling
Thought this would be the first call

Now my question is: Why at first the method gets called an not the socket.on('storeClientInfo')?


jfriend00 2020-11-30 10:52:47

Here's the sequence of events in time:

  1. Your socket setup code runs and registers the io.on('connection', ...) event handler.
  2. Your client attempts a connection and registers event handlers for both the connect and random events on that socket. Note: This socket is NOT yet connected. It's in the process of trying to connect.
  3. The server receives the connection and the connection event on the server is called.
  4. You output the result of console.log('User connected with %s', socket.id); and see User connected with MH0WD_zNzVOzi_6oABAB in the console.
  5. You then register the socket.on('storeClientInfo', ...) event handler for that newly connected socket.
  6. You then call x(socket.id, ...) which then calls y(...) which outputs Show clients: .
  7. y() finishes executing and then x() outputs x is calling.
  8. At this point the server-side connection logic is done.
  9. The client then receives it's connect event and you send a message to the server with socket.emit('storeClientInfo', ...).
  10. Your server receives the storeClientInfo event and the socket.on('storeClientInfo', ...) event handler runs and you output Thought this would be the first call.

Perhaps the part you didn't know about is that in the client, this code:

var socket = io();

is asynchronous. This just starts the process of connecting. The socket is not connected yet when this returns. There is a socket.io socket object available for you to register event handlers on, but it is not yet connected to the server. That's why you have to register an event handler for the connect event to see when it actually completes the connection.