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How to make Ansible print only the task that has stdout

发布于 2020-11-30 06:41:13

I have a playbook which contains multiple Tasks. I need Ansible to print only the Tasks which contains STDOUT /debug task

- hosts: "{{ v_host }}"
gather_facts: no

- name: "Create /tmp in target in all VM's "
    path: /tmp
    state: directory
    owner: oracle
    group: oinstall
    mode: 0775

- copy:
    src: /xxx
    dest: /yyy
    owner: oracle
    group: oinstall
    force: yes
    mode: 0755

- name:  "Performing {{ patch_action }} of CPU patch on {{ v_host }} "
  shell: |
    cd /tmp
    sudo -u oracle ./patch.sh
  register: out
- debug: var=out.stdout_lines

I execute the playbook without -v option to have a cleaner output. The output looks like below.

ansible-playbook test.yml --extra-vars v_host=xyz.com.
TASK [Create /tmp in target in all VM's] ********************************************************************
ok: [ixyz.com]

TASK [copy] ********************************************************************
ok: [xyz.com]

TASK [Performing  of CPU patch on xyz.com] ***
changed: [xyz.com]

TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [xyz.com] => {
    "out.stdout_lines": [
        "Patch  123456     : applied on Tue Sep 29 10:11:58 GMT 2020", 
        "Patch description:  \"one-off\"", 
        "Patch  987654     : applied on Tue Sep 29 10:08:39 GMT 2020", 
        "Patch description:  \"One-off\"", 


Is there an option when i execute the playbook, it gives me the output only for the stdout/debug . The only output that i need is

TASK [debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [xyz.com] => {
    "out.stdout_lines": [
        "Patch  123456     : applied on Tue Sep 29 10:11:58 GMT 2020", 
        "Patch description:  \"one-off\"", 
        "Patch  987654     : applied on Tue Sep 29 10:08:39 GMT 2020", 
        "Patch description:  \"One-off\"", 

Meenakshisundaram Ramanathan
Vladimir Botka 2020-11-30 21:36:51

It's possible to select only changed tasks by using the callback actionable. See "ansible-doc -t callback actionable"

"Use this callback when you don't care about OK nor Skipped. This callback suppresses any non Failed or Changed status."

For example, the playbook below

shell> cat pb.yml
- hosts: localhost
    - stat:
        path: /etc/passwd
      register: result
    - debug:
        var: result.stat.mode
    - debug:
        msg: test message
      changed_when: actionable|default(false)|bool


shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml

PLAY [localhost] ****

TASK [stat] ****
ok: [localhost]

TASK [debug] ****
ok: [localhost] => {
    "result.stat.mode": "0644"

TASK [debug] ****
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "test message"

localhost: ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

The actionable callback will suppress the output. For example

shell> ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=actionable ansible-playbook pb.yml

PLAY [localhost] ****

localhost: ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

You can enable the output of the selected tasks by controlling their changed status. For example

shell> ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=actionable ansible-playbook pb.yml -e "actionable=true"

PLAY [localhost] ****

TASK [debug] ****
changed: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "test message"

localhost: ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

Q: "How can I execute my playbook using 'default' instead of 'actionable'?"

A: The command below gives the same results

shell> ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=default ANSIBLE_DISPLAY_SKIPPED_HOSTS=false ANSIBLE_DISPLAY_OK_HOSTS=false  ansible-playbook pb.yml -e "actionable=true"