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Advanced date filter in excel

发布于 2020-11-30 09:11:48

I like to ask you for help with my problem in excel :)

My data looks like this:


Basicly event name; start-date; and end-date.

Events can last anything between 1-365 days and I would need to create filter, which would show me all events, which has been active between the choosen period of time.

For example if my filter setting would be: "show me all events, which might be active between 18.1.2020 - 20.1.2020"

Outcome from my dataset should be:


Here is better description of problem in excel. Link to xlsx file

Thank you,

Harun24HR 2020-11-30 17:29:22

Filter() function is best fit for you with Excel365.


enter image description here