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Terraform: Docker provider does not respect insecure-registries?

发布于 2020-11-30 09:30:43

I am trying to pull a Docker image from a local Artifactory when the digest of the image changed. But I am confused about Terrform configuration and its relation to the installed Docker Desktop.

The Terrform script starts with:

terraform {
 required_providers {
  docker = {
    source = "terraform-providers/docker"

provider "docker" {
  host = "npipe:////.//pipe//docker_engine"

  registry_auth {
    address= "ip:port"
    username = "my-username"
    password = "my-password"

data "docker_registry_image" "my-image" {
  name = "ip:port/repository-name/my-image:version"

resource "docker_image" "my-image" {
  name = "my-image-name"
  pull_triggers = ["data.docker_registry_image.my-image.sha256_digest"]
  keep_locally = true

I added the registry ip:port to the insecure-registries so that also Terraform has access to it.

The problem is that the insecure-registries from Docker Desktop is somehow ignored by Terraform (Docker provider) because I get the response:

Error: Got error when attempting to fetch image version from registry: Error during registry request: Get https://ip:port/v2/repository-name/my-image:version: http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client.

  on script.tf line 20, in data "docker_registry_image" "my-image":
  20: data "docker_registry_image" "my-image" {

Can anyone help? Does somebody know why insecue-registries set in Docker Desktop does not apply here?

Brandon X.
Brandon X. 2020-12-01 16:15:39

I think I have found out the answer. Here is the link https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-docker/blob/ccb7c6e8abe0fae89d115347c0677b5c0f45e2bf/docker/data_source_docker_registry_image.go#L85-L96 to the source code of the terraform-provider-docker plugin where we can see in the line 98 that the protocol https is hardcoded, when getting the image digest:

req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://"+registry+"/v2/"+image+"/manifests/"+tag, nil)

This is the answer why the insecure-registries property is not taken into the account.