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How to add protected methods returning non-Windows Runtime types to a C++/WinRT base class

发布于 2020-11-30 12:44:39

I got the following C++/CX code that works as intended but would like to convert it to C++/WinRT code:

namespace My.Custom.Stuff
  public ref class BaseClass : public Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::SwapChainPanel
    void PublicMethod();

    static ::DirectX::XMFLOAT3 ProtectedMethod();

namespace My.Custom.Stuff
  public ref class SubClass sealed : public BaseClass
    void UseProtectedMethod()
      ::DirectX::XMFLOAT3 value = ProtectedMethod()
      // ...

However, the problem that I encounter is as follows: BaseClass contains a protected method that returns a type that cannot be mapped to a corresponding Windows Runtime type. In C++/CX this is not a problem because ProtectedMethod is not mapped at all. If I use my Windows Runtime component ProtectedMethod is simply not exposed which is what I want.

However, that method should be a member of BaseClass because multiple other classes like SubClass use the method when implementing their public methods. I have come up with the following C++/WinRT MIDL code:

namespace My.Custom.Stuff
  unsealed runtimeclass BaseClass : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.SwapChainPanel
    void PublicMethod();

    // This does not work
    protected DirectX.XMFLOAT3 RgbFromBrush(IInspectable brush);

import "BaseClass.idl";

namespace My.Custom.Stuff
  runtimeclass SubClass : BaseClass
    void UseProtectedMethod();

The problem is that if I define ProtectedMethod that way it won't work because ::DirectX::XMFLOAT3 is no Windows Runtime type. If I use any other return type that protected method gets mapped. However, it should not be visible when using that Windows Runtime component and of course I should not have to change its return type.

How can I achieve what I do with C++/CX using C++/WinRT?


Compiling the MIDL code results in something like this:

#include "BaseClass.g.h"

namespace winrt::My::Custom::Stuff::implementation
  struct BaseClass : BaseClassT<BaseClass>
    BaseClass() = default;
    // ...

namespace winrt::My::Custom::Stuff::factory_implementation
  struct BaseClass : BaseClassT<BaseClass, implementation::BaseClass>

I thought it might be possible to simply add the protected method as follows:

namespace winrt::My::Custom::Stuff::implementation
  struct BaseClass : BaseClassT<BaseClass>
    BaseClass() = default;

    static ::DirectX::XMFLOAT3 ProtectedMethod();

However, attempting to use ProtectedMethod in SubClass results in the following error:

error C2039: 'ProtectedMethod': is not a member of 'winrt::My::Custom::Stuff::BaseClass'

Here's how I'm using it:

#include "SubClass.g.h"

namespace winrt::My::Custom::Stuff::implementation
  struct SubClass : SubClassT<SubClass>
    SubClass() = default;
    void UseProtectedMethod()
      ::DirectX::XMFLOAT3 value = ProtectedMethod();

namespace winrt::My::Custom::Stuff::factory_implementation
  struct SubClass : SubClassT<SubClass, implementation::SubClass>
Ryan Shepherd 2020-12-03 06:11:59

When converting from C++/CX to C++/WinRT, only public methods should go into your IDL file, as those are the only methods comprising the WinRT API surface.

Methods that are private/protected/internal are not part of the WinRT API surface, and so they should not go into the IDL.

The usage code you posted shouldn't compile, because your C++ definition of implementation::SubClass is missing a template parameter. Since the IDL/WinRT definition has SubClass deriving from BaseClass, you need to supply BaseClass's implementation type to SubClassT, and if you examine the contents of the cppwinrt-generated "SubClass.h", you'll see this happening. Once you declare your implementation of SubClass correctly, you will have access to the protected methods on BaseClass.

I just tried this out successfully, and it looks like this:


namespace RuntimeComponent1
    unsealed runtimeclass BaseClass
        void PublicMethod();


#pragma once
#include "BaseClass.g.h"

struct non_winrt_type


namespace winrt::RuntimeComponent1::implementation
    struct BaseClass : BaseClassT<BaseClass>
        BaseClass() = default;
        void PublicMethod() {}

        non_winrt_type ProtectedMethod()
            return {};
namespace winrt::RuntimeComponent1::factory_implementation
    struct BaseClass : BaseClassT<BaseClass, implementation::BaseClass>


import "BaseClass.idl";

namespace RuntimeComponent1
    runtimeclass SubClass : BaseClass
        void UseProtectedMethod();


#pragma once
#include "SubClass.g.h"
#include "BaseClass.h"

namespace winrt::RuntimeComponent1::implementation
    // Notice how BaseClass is used here.
    // This was copied directly from the generated boilerplate SubClass.h
    struct SubClass : SubClassT<SubClass, RuntimeComponent1::implementation::BaseClass>
        SubClass() = default;

        void UseProtectedMethod()
            auto result = ProtectedMethod();
namespace winrt::RuntimeComponent1::factory_implementation
    struct SubClass : SubClassT<SubClass, implementation::SubClass>