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React click event not bubbling

发布于 2020-11-30 17:11:50

I having issue in react event bubbling. I have pair with icon inside span element and somewhere upper section element, like this example below:

const App = () => {
  const onClick = (event) => alert(event.target.nodeName);
  return (
    <section onClick={onClick}>
        <i className="fas fa-reply"></i> Click me

After click on i tag im waiting for event bubble - to call onClick atleast twice (1st for i, 2nd for span). But it never happens. Could you please tell my why?

I know possible solution - to set pointer-events on i to none, but im more curious why event not bubbling.

Thank you

Kushal Jain 2020-12-01 01:21:24

I saw the code you mentioned in the question.

Firstly you didn't added onClick event to


tag. First add onClick in it then try to add for span as well. As of now I see you added onClick for section only.