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In wso2 IS XACML policy how to validate role and its permissions

发布于 2020-12-01 13:09:55

In wso2 identity server how to add custom permission like for a role useroperation associate permissions create,update,delete. How can I create the permissions like this.

How can use those assigned permissions for validating by using roles and permissions in XACML policy.

I have created a XACML policy using Standard Policy Editor based on the subject name which is username I am fetching role attribute and I am validating, but how can I validate the permissions assoicated to it using XACML. Is it possible to achieve this usecase in wso2 XACML policy?

2020-12-03 08:56:13

There are several ways that you can add custom permissions to the WSO2 Identity Server. These methods are given in this answer.

There is a XACML function as urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:eval-permission-tree defined in the WSO2 Identity Server. This can be used to validate the permissions of a user. This function requires two inputs.

 1. required permission string (ex: /permission/admin/login)

 2. subject or the user whose permissions are validated

In the WSO2 Identity Server, there is a sample XACML policy on using this function. If you login to the management console of the Identity Server, the sample is with the name evaluate_permission_tree_policy at Main > Entitlement > PAP > Policy Administration

You can get the permission string by referring to the registry of the Identity Server via Main > Registry > Browse 

I assume that you want to validate the permissions of a given role from the XACML policy. As per the current implementation, the function eval-permission-tree only checks whether the given user is authorized. [1] To achieve your requirement, you can write your own XACML function extending the EvalPermissionTreeFunction class. This blog[2] describes how you can write a custom XACML function and plug it into WSO2 IS.

[1] https://github.com/wso2/carbon-identity-framework/blob/master/components/entitlement/org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement/src/main/java/org/wso2/carbon/identity/entitlement/extension/EvalPermissionTreeFunction.java#L77

[2] https://pamodaaw.medium.com/custom-xacml-functions-for-wso2-identity-server-5-10-0-a91bc2ec673d