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Digital Ocean / Nginx / MySQL / MVC deployment

发布于 2020-11-17 16:35:43

I am trying to deploy and host a website through a Digital Ocean droplet using Nginx, MySQL and dotnet-core. I was able to get the entire project over to the Digital Ocean droplet, but now I am having trouble updating the databases and get "An error occurred using the connection to database '' on server 'localhost'" & 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'. I believe I didn't transfer over the user secrets correctly but I'm honestly not sure. I transfered the entire project via GIT so I had to manually add all connection strings with the command 'dotnet user-secrets set "SecretKey" "SecretValue"'. I've already installed dotnet-core, MySQL, Nginx and all that good stuff on my digital ocean droplet.

Thanks in advance!!

Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith 2020-12-02 02:44:10

In order to solve my problem, I am taking a slightly different approach.

I am using the F1 (free tier) Azure app service to actually host the website. I am however still going to use my Digital Ocean droplet to host my database. I am then going to use Cloudflare to point my nameservers to. That was I can use my personal domain for the website instead of using the Azure App service domain. I know this isn't really an 'answer', but it provides an easier path to accomplish my goal. Thank you for everyone's insight!