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Creating SOAP Service from existing WSDL (not consuming)

发布于 2020-12-02 07:33:49

I need to introduce SOAP services that implements the same contract as a legacy service. All I have is the WSDL.

Can I create server side code from WSDL?

WSDL.exe does not appear to have been ported to Core.

dotnet-svcutil appears to create client code only.

Connected Service feature in VS appear to create client code only.

My best guess so far is to use dotnet-svcutil to create the types and try to write code, that declares similar service and operations and use SoapCore.

Any other options? Does .NET 5 provide a better solution?

Soeren Dalby
martijn 2020-12-03 14:12:19

As far as I'm aware there is no tool to generate server side code from a wsdl. You need to recreate those yourself. you can use tooling like xsd.exe or xsd2code to genereate class files for the used types in de wsdl.

If you have those you can specify the service contract with all the required operations and their types.

have a look here for some guidance. https://stackify.com/soap-net-core/