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Spotify authentication using Spotipy not showing and my redirect uri is refusing to connect?

发布于 2020-12-02 09:44:32

Using Spotipy(A spotify module to access data using the Spotify API) and Django, I am trying to use the Authorization Code Flow for authentication but I keep running into an error when I use the login route.

The URL http://localhost/?code=AQDaVeJPteLHVgQG7P41mX5XMmoriJtbpx7vjRYdTXBR64Fal2IMHXQfnSoEdrYrZnYwM-xjyyr_ME_t_gsbqR6-72A4sRBQZ1aaoJd7Xcr2rqT_9aF_kDND0XmZZMhRQzN4oAujH6Uawl9d-tEJmnE_Q-yISGAGTuIHlONwbPEretR9XdPXQg with an error localhost refused to connect comes up after I use the login route


urlpatterns = [
path("login/" , views.login , name = "login" ),
path("home/", views.home, name= "home"),
path("callback/" , views.callback , name="callback")


#get_authorize_url()method returns a Spotify API endpoint https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize?client_id=83654ff787fc48c7a38cc7976238628a&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2F&scope=user-library-read

def login(request):
   authorize_url = oauth.get_authorize_url()
   return redirect(authorize_url)

get_access_token() returns the access token

def callback(request):
    code = request.GET.get("code")
    if code is not None:
        return redirect(reverse("home"))
        return redirect(reverse("login"))

def home(request):
     return HttpResponse("Welcome")
Kwaku Biney
Kwaku Biney 2020-12-02 18:11:02

I realized http://localhost/ was the bug. Typed that into a browser and it threw the same error. Changed the redirect_uri to I am redirected back to my server and my callback route.