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Apache solr distributes search using shards are not working (shardsWhitelist)

发布于 2020-12-03 17:23:25

I have installed latest solr and creates multiple cores called Unicore and SAP core and as per the SOLR configurations of solr 8.7 distributed search we need to add the following code in the respective confgiurations directories solrconfig.xml file, below solrconfig.xml from Unicore conf

<requestHandler name="/select" class="solr.SearchHandler">
  <!-- other params go here -->
  <shardHandlerFactory class="HttpShardHandlerFactory">
    <int name="socketTimeout">1000</int>
    <int name="connTimeout">5000</int>
    <str name="shardsWhitelist">localhost:8983/solr/SAP</str>

the query i used to collect data from shards:


found below issue:

enter image description here

I did googled a lot and still not able to find the solution. refernce stackverflow question

Mohammad Yaseer
Mohammad Yaseer 2020-12-04 14:05:02

Modfify solr.xml under solr server directory => update this file by adding core names into shardsWhitelist in the solsInstance\Server\solr\solr.xml and restart solr. This is working for SOLR-8.7 version.

<!-- shardsWhiltlisting SAP core for distributed search -->

<shardHandlerFactory name="shardHandlerFactory"
    <int name="socketTimeout">${socketTimeout:600000}</int>
    <int name="connTimeout">${connTimeout:60000}</int>
    <str name="shardsWhitelist">${solr.shardsWhitelist:hostName:8983/solr/SAP}</str> 

Configure HttpShardHanldeFactory shardsWhiltlist for all the cores needed

<str name="shardsWhitelist">${solr.shardsWhitelist:hostName:port/solr/core1,
hostName:port/solr/core2,.., solr.shardsWhitelist:hostName:port/solr/coren,}</str>