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Convert API Gateway Cloudformation template to Swagger file

发布于 2020-12-04 17:51:59

There is an existing API described in a Coludformation template. Now I want to document the API using Swagger. Is there a way to parse the Cloudformation template to create the swagger.yaml specification file? I would like to avoid writing the API a second time, if possible.

Note: I am aware that you can define your API using Swagger, then import the API configuration in your Cloudformation template. This is not what I need. The Cloudformation already exists and will not be changed. Hence, I need the opposite: a Swagger configuration file based on an existing Cloudformation template.

Yakim 2020-12-05 11:25:33

There is no way to convert the template to a swagger file that I know about. But if you are looking for a way to keep service-spec in one place only (template) and you have it deployed, you can take swagger or OAS file from the stage (so to do it you must have a stage as well) in two ways at least:

  1. By Web console. Use Amazon API Gateway-> APIs->Your API->Stages>Your Stage -> Export tab. See the picture: exporting Swagger or OAS as a file by Web console

  2. aws apigateway get-export ... Here is an example:

aws apigateway get-export --rest-api-id ${API_ID} --stage-name ${STAGE_NAME} --export-type swagger swagger.json