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Swift OAuth2.0 with redirectURI

发布于 2020-11-16 18:26:53

I'm using a service that provides an OAuth2.0 authentication. This are the steps i need:

  • Open a URL with user Id as params
  • User approves my app (which is correctyle registered).
  • The user is redirected to a RedirectUri, with access token in the hash.

The third point is my main problem.

I've implemented the OAuth with microsoft libraries and everything works fine. But I cant use them here so I'm trying https://github.com/OAuthSwift/OAuthSwift this one.

This is my code:

private func authenticationService() {
    // create an instance and retain it
    let oauthswift = OAuth2Swift(
        consumerKey:    "xx",
        consumerSecret: "xxx",
        authorizeUrl:   "//myurl + userId",
        responseType:   "token"

    oauthswift.authorizeURLHandler = OAuthSwiftOpenURLExternally.sharedInstance

    let handle = oauthswift.authorize(
        withCallbackURL: "???",
        scope: "", state:"") { result in
        switch result {
        case .success(let (credential, response, parameters)):
          // Do your request
        case .failure(let error):

This open correctly my Safari but then I'm redirected to the URI with access token in the hash and nothing happened.

The main problem here is that I've a redirect uri so I guess the callback URL is not called? And this is not opening a sheet but it is redirecting to Safari. And I dont like this approach.

How can I perform OAuth2.0 in swift with the steps above? How can I get the access token from an url? What is the best library and how can I get the most of it?


This is my code for stackExchange:

    let request: OAuth2Request = .init(authUrl: "https://stackexchange.com/oauth/dialog?client_id=<MYCLIENTID>&scope=private_info&redirect_uri=https://stackexchange.com/oauth/login_success",
                                   tokenUrl: "https://stackoverflow.com/oauth/access_token/json",
                                   clientId: "<MYCLIENTID>",
                                   redirectUri: "https://stackexchange.com/oauth/login_success",
                                   clientSecret: "",
                                   scopes: [])

The OAuth domain in stack apps is => stackexchange.com So i've added in my URL Types the following: redirect-uri://<stackexchange.com> (even without <>)

But everytimes I approve my app i'm stacked in the "Authorizing application" which contains my token and i'm not redirected.

Hadi 2020-12-09 01:33:49

If you are targeting iOS 13 you can use the new AuthenticationServices library provided by Apple.

It will work on both macOS and iOS.

Maybe this would help other developers, I create a simple and small swift package to handle OAuth2 in Swift, you can check the demo project it works very well 👍



You are passing the wrong URLs, they should be like this

let request: OAuth2Request = .init(authUrl: "https://stackoverflow.com/oauth",
                                       tokenUrl: "https://stackoverflow.com/oauth/access_token/json",
                                       clientId: "<<your client id>>",
                                       redirectUri: "redirect-uri://stackexchange.com",
                                       clientSecret: "<<your client secret>>",
                                       scopes: ["private_info"])