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i am getting an error when i tried to set webhook for telegram

发布于 2017-02-06 04:41:25

I want to set webhook for telegram for certain user input so that telegram replied automatically to predefined question and I am able to write the program which is running perfectly fine, but when I tried to set webhook for that program it is showing an error:

   "ok": false,"error_code": 400,"description": "Bad Request: bad webhook: Ip is reserved"

I tried to set webhook like that:

Manisha Malik
Quentin 2017-02-06 16:51:20

You need to use a publically available URL that the Telegram servers can reach. http://localhost/ is not public.

You are trying to make an HTTP request to the computer the bot is running on.

This isn't your server, it is Telegram's server. It doesn't work because:

  • Your PHP isn't installed on it
  • Telegram won't let your bot go poking at their internal servers