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gnuplot newhistogram distinct color legend

发布于 2020-12-06 02:12:29

i am creating a histogram type graph and it turns out that an item with a different color appears in the legend

set style data histogram
set style histogram columnstacked
set style fill pattern
set boxwidth 0.75
set xtics ("17 to 19" 0, "20 to 23" 1, "24 to 25" 2, "more than 26" 3)
set grid y
set border 1

set key outside title 'Sex' width -20 

plot newhistogram " " , "gender.dat" u 2:key(1), '' u 3 , '' u 4, '' u 5

my data

# data
dato "17 to 19" "20 to 23" "24 to 25" "more than 26"
"Male" 12 22 20 5
"Female" 14 28 6 6

results preview results

If you observe, the Item "Female" is in another color

Ethan 2020-12-06 13:09:11

The program is confused by the extra line in your data file that is not marked as a comment and is also not used as a line of columnheaders. If you tell it that there is a line of columnheaders it will work properly, even though in this case you are not actually using it that way in the plot.

version 5.2: set key autotitle columnhead

version 5.4: set datafile columnhead