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What is the event for SAPUI5 SmartTable when loading data is failed?

发布于 2018-10-08 15:14:46

I need to run a code when the smart table cannot read the data from back-end. What kind of event I have to add to the smart table?

For example something like:

oSmartTable.getBinding("items").attachEventOnce("dataFailed", ....

We don't have such an event, but I need something like this.

MJBZA 2018-10-09 17:37:10

If we have a SmartTable with a table inside like this, we can use its dataRequested event:

<smartTable:SmartTable .....  dataRequested="onDataRequested">
  <m:Table id="table" ...>

By using this event we try to add dataReceived event of the table:

onDataRequested: function(oEvent){
    var oTable =  this.byId("table");
    oTable.getBinding("items").attachEventOnce("dataReceived",function(oData) {
            // Do something here        
    }, this);