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Dataweave 2.0 reduce function to reduce the array of json Mule

发布于 2020-12-16 01:45:04

My Input Json Looks like below :-

        "eId": "123",
        "eType": "NZ",
        "value": [{
                "tId": "444"
            }, {
                "tId": "555"
    }, {
        "eId": "456",
        "eType": "AU",
        "value": [{
                "tId": "666"

Expected Output Json to be like :

        "eId": "123",
        "eType": "NZ",
        "tId": "444"
    }, {
        "eId": "123",
        "eType": "NZ",
        "tId": "555"
    }, {
        "eId": "456",
        "eType": "AU",
        "tId": "666"

I tried Transform using the reduce function like below. I am not getting expected response

%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload reduce ((val, acc = []) -> 
acc + {
    "id" : val.eId, "type": val.eType, "Tid": val.value map $.tId

Could someone please correct me where I am doing it wrong

aled 2020-12-16 10:20:00

I'll make an educated guess, because the example expected output is incomplete, that the expected output should look like:

    "eId": "123",
    "type": "Co",
    "tId": "444"
    "eId": "123",
    "type": "Co",
    "tId": "555"


%dw 2.0
output application/json
fun mapItem(i) = i.value map { eId: i.eId, "type": i.eType, tId: $.tId }
payload flatMap mapItem($)

Feel free to edit the question to add more details if needed.