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How to change affiliation name on ca-server HLF?

发布于 2020-12-16 11:56:29

Based on Hyperledger Fabric First Network (v1.4) i changed names to peers, Orgs, CAs etc. There is no problem on the containers or to generate certificates the channel works fine.

# ca's docker-compose.yaml
  image: hyperledger/fabric-ca:$IMAGE_TAG
    - FABRIC_CA_HOME=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server
    - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_TLS_CERTFILE=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/ca.NewOrg.example.com-cert.pem
    - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_TLS_KEYFILE=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/${byfn_CA1_PRIVATE_KEY}
    - "7054:7054"
  command: sh -c 'fabric-ca-server start --ca.certfile /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/ca.NewOrg.example.com-cert.pem --ca.keyfile /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/${byfn_CA1_PRIVATE_KEY} -b NewOrg:NewOrgpw -d'
    - ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/NewOrg.example.com/ca/:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config
    container_name: ca_peerNewOrg

The admin is register fined. but i cannot enroll the users. I am using node sdk to enroll them.

const secret = await ca.register({ affiliation: orgname.toLowerCase() +'.department1', enrollmentID: username, role: 'client' }, adminIdentity);

but if i replace orgname.toLowerCase() +'.department1' to org1.department1 is enrolled

However, is needed to use the new organizations names and not org1, org2 etc.

Finally this is a part of

docker logs ca_peerNewOrg

Affiliation: MaxEnrollments:0 Attrs:map[hf.AffiliationMgr:1 hf.GenCRL:1 hf.IntermediateCA:1 hf.Registrar.Attributes:* hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:* hf.Registrar.Roles:* hf.Revoker:1] }]} Affiliations:map[org1:[department1 department2] org2:[department1]] LDAP:{ Enabled:false URL:ldap://****:****@<host>:<port>/<base> UserFilter:(uid=%s) GroupFilter:(memberUid=%s) Attribute:{[uid member] [{ }] map[groups:[{ }]]} TLS:{false [] { }} } DB:{ Type:sqlite3 Datasource:fabric-ca-server.db TLS:{false [] { }} } CSP:0xc0004f80a0 Client:<nil> Intermediate:{ParentServer:{ URL: CAName: } TLS:{Enabled:false CertFiles:[] Client:{KeyFile: CertFile:}} Enrollment:{ Name: Secret:**** CAName: AttrReqs:[] Profile: Label: CSR:<nil> Type:x509 }} CRL:{Expiry:24h0m0s} Idemix:{IssuerPublicKeyfile: IssuerSecretKeyfile: RevocationPublicKeyfile: RevocationPrivateKeyfile: RHPoolSize:1000 NonceExpiration:15s NonceSweepInterval:15m}}

myeongkil kim 2020-12-17 18:57:55

I can see Affiliations:map[org1:[department1 department2] org2:[department1]], which is the default value set when affiliation is not set in fabric-ca.

# hyperledger/fabric-ca/cmd/fabric-ca-server/config.go
# in 'defaultCfgTemplate' value

      - department1
      - department2
      - department1

In other words, looking at your current situation, it seems that you have not added affiliation separately.

# default fabric ca's log
2020/12/17 10:16:56 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1
2020/12/17 10:16:56 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1' added
2020/12/17 10:16:56 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1.department1
2020/12/17 10:16:56 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1.department1' added
2020/12/17 10:16:56 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1.department2
2020/12/17 10:16:56 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1.department2' added
2020/12/17 10:16:56 [DEBUG] Successfully loaded affiliations table

Here are two ways to solve your problem.

1. Fabric-ca environment variable setting

This can be solved by setting the initial settings.

There are two things to consider. in the case of fabric-ca affiliation, it cannot be set with the input parameters of the fabric-ca-server commands in docker-compose, and it is not even possible to set through docker-compose's environment.
why? FABRIC_CA_SERVER_AFFILIATIONS in environment variables

so, We have one way.
Initial setup using configuration file.

1-1) writing fabric-ca-server-config.yaml


  • The link is fabric-samples v2.0, but fabric-ca has no changes and the configuration form is the same.
# hyperledger/fabric-samples/first-network/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
      - department1
      - department2
      - test_department

1-2) updating docker-compose.yaml

I used release-1.4 of hyperledger/fabric-samples to match your version.

# hyperledger/fabric-samples/first-network/docker-compose-ca.yaml

    image: hyperledger/fabric-ca:1.4
      - FABRIC_CA_HOME=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server
      - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_CA_NAME=ca-org1
      - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_TLS_CERTFILE=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/ca.org1.example.com-cert.pem
      - FABRIC_CA_SERVER_TLS_KEYFILE=/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/<your_ca_org1_private_key>
      - "7054:7054"
    command: sh -c 'fabric-ca-server start --ca.certfile /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/ca.org1.example.com-cert.pem --ca.keyfile /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/<your_ca_org1_private_key> -b admin:adminpw -d'
     # mounting fabric-ca-server-config.yaml file, to ca_peerOrg1 container's $FABRIC_CA_HOME path
      - ./fabric-ca-server-config.yaml:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
      - ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/ca/:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config
    container_name: ca_peerOrg1
      - byfn

1-3) Fabric-CA Up

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples/first-network && docker-compose -f ./docker-compose-ca.yaml up -d

1-4) Checks configuration of Fabric-CA


$ docker logs ca_peerOrg1

2020/12/17 10:41:05 [DEBUG] Loading affiliations table
2020/12/17 10:41:05 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1
2020/12/17 10:41:05 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1' added
2020/12/17 10:41:05 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1.department1
2020/12/17 10:41:05 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1.department1' added
2020/12/17 10:41:05 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1.department2
2020/12/17 10:41:05 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1.department2' added
2020/12/17 10:41:05 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation neworg
2020/12/17 10:41:05 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'neworg' added
2020/12/17 10:41:05 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation neworg.test_department
2020/12/17 10:41:05 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'neworg.test_department' added
2020/12/17 10:41:05 [DEBUG] Successfully loaded affiliations table

1-5) Run your code(registerUser) & success!

// Register the user, enroll the user, and import the new identity into the wallet.
const secret = await ca.register({ affiliation: 'neworg.test_department', enrollmentID: 'user1', role: 'client' }, adminIdentity);
const enrollment = await ca.enroll({ enrollmentID: 'user1', enrollmentSecret: secret });
const userIdentity = X509WalletMixin.createIdentity('Org1MSP', enrollment.certificate, enrollment.key.toBytes());
await wallet.import('user1', userIdentity);
console.log('Successfully registered and enrolled admin user "user1" and imported it into the wallet');
$ node registerUser.js

Wallet path: /Users/myeongkil/Project/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples/fabcar/javascript/wallet
Successfully registered and enrolled admin user "user1" and imported it into the wallet

2. Add authorized users

The fabric-ca-client has an affiliation command, which can be added. See the commands and links below. dynamically-updating-affiliations