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Is it possible to use karate 'match' inside conditional statement?

发布于 2018-05-15 11:06:22

Find the example here.

def a = condition ? " karate match statement " : "karate match statement"

Is it possible to do something like this??

Peter Thomas 2021-04-06 15:18:51

This is not recommended practice for tests because tests should be deterministic.

The right thing to do is:

That said, if you really insist on doing this in the same flow, Karate allows you to do a match via JS in 0.9.6.RC4 onwards.

See this thread for details: https://github.com/intuit/karate/issues/1202#issuecomment-653632397

enter image description here

The result of karate.match() will return a JSON in the form { pass: '#boolean', message: '#string' }

If none of the above options work - that means you are doing something really complicated, so write Java interop / code to handle this