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Mirroring nexus

发布于 2012-02-14 18:58:00

We use maven/nexus combo and it works nicely. We have some home made projects/maven plugin uploaded to nexus and everyone is able to access and use it as expected. Our central hudson build uploads/manages nexus artifacts.

My company has added a remote location and network connectivity has been a problem to that location. In general network connectivity is slow and unreliable.

How do I set up nexus at remote location so that it mirrors nexus at my location? That way developers at remote location can point to local nexus server which can mirror other nexus server. We prefer t keep one location as master/controlling location - makes life easier.

Is this right way to do it or we can solve this problem in some other way?

Hauke Ingmar Schmidt 2012-02-15 03:19:23

That is the right way.

Set up your remote location to mirror the main Nexus. (Login as admin, Repositories, Add, Proxy Repository.

Then in the developers' Maven settings.xml add the remote location's Nexus as mirror for your main Nexus.

At first access artifacts are copied to the remote location.

That's it.