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How can I use a for each loop on an array?

发布于 2010-11-19 18:22:22

I have an array of Strings:

Dim sArray(4) as String

I am going through each String in the array:

for each element in sarray
next element

do_something takes a string as a parameter

I am getting an error passing the element as a String:

ByRef Argument Mismatch

Should I be converting the element to a String or something?

Alex Gordon
8,293 2015-08-09 21:30:54

Element needs to be a variant, so you can't declare it as a string. Your function should accept a variant if it is a string though as long as you pass it ByVal.

Public Sub example()
    Dim sArray(4) As string
    Dim element As variant

    For Each element In sArray
        do_something (element)
    Next element
End Sub

Sub do_something(ByVal e As String)

End Sub

The other option is to convert the variant to a string before passing it.

  do_something CStr(element)