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(html - Is there a way to bind all these elements together for changing screen sizes/zooming?)

发布于 2020-12-02 15:06:41


我尝试过vh / vw,但是元素保持相同大小,并且在媒体中断之间移出位置。解决方案是否只是要像10个不同的媒体中断一样自定义每个中断?Web Dev只是我工作的一部分,而不是我的重点,如果这是一个愚蠢的问题,请对不起。

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<div class="container1"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0431/6184/5920/files/Blankwhite.jpg?v=1604940219" alt="WPHead" width="100%" />
<div class="wphead1">THE SUPER SIMPLE</div>
<div class="wphead2">SCIENCE</div>
<div class="wphead3">OF PROMOTIONAL</div>
<div class="wphead4">PRODUCTS.</div>
<div class="wpright">There are pretty much three basic reasons why you'd be looking to order our products: To advertise to consumers in an effective way, To show your appreciation to existing or future clients, or to show your employees just how thankful you are for the work they do. <br />No matter the reasoning, we want to give you a simple look (through science, of course) on why promo merchandise is the best way to go about doing those things.</div>
<div class="wpad1">ADVERTISING TO OTHER COMPANIES.</div>
<div class="wpad2"><i>OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE RELATIVITY OF MASS</i></div>
<div class="wpad3">There is no debate, your business card is an important part of marketing that holds vital information for possible clients. Unfortunately, humans tend to lose small items all the time, even ones that hold extreme value. Don't let your future relationships depend solely on a modest piece of cardstock.</div>
<div class="container1"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0431/6184/5920/files/relativity_of_mass.gif?v=1604440786" alt="WhyPromo" style="width: 100%;" />
<div class="relmass1">A single promotional item averages <b style="color: #c25e36;">344</b> impressions per month.</div>
<div class="relmass2"><b style="color: gold;">82%</b> of people have a more favorable impression of a brand after receiving a promotional product.</div>
<div class="relmass3"><b style="color: blue;">72%</b> of consumers believe that the quality of a promotional product is directly related to the reputation of the company.</div>
<div class="relmass4">The CPI of promotional products can be as low as <b>1/10th</b> of one cent - lower than nearly any other advertising medium.</div>
<div class="relcrd"><b>Your Beautiful Business Card</b><br />Size: 2" x 3.5"<br />Weight: 0.05216 oz</div>
<div class="relphn"><b>Your customers' 1000+ dollar phone</b><br />Size: 5.95" x 2.76"<br />Weight: 6.84 oz</div>
<div class="relhkey"><b>Your customers' key to their very expensive home</b><br />Size: 1.38" x 2.76"<br />Weight: 0.246918 oz</div>
<div class="relckey"><b> Your customers' key to their very expensive car</b><br />Size: 54mm<br />Weight: 3.80 oz</div>
<div class="relwlt"><b>The thing that holds your customers' money and important personal information</b><br />Size: 3.5" x 4.5"<br />Weight: 5 oz</div>
<div class="container1"><img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0431/6184/5920/files/client_gift_giving_circle.gif?v=1604953591" alt="Client-gift-giving" width="100%" />
<div class="cggh">CLIENT GIFT-GIVING</div>
<div class="cggi">THE RELEASE OF OXYTOCIN</div>
<div class="cggleft">Client receives gift from you.</div>
<div class="cggmid">Oxytocin molecules are released in the body, creating that warm fuzzy feeling.</div>
<div class="cggright">Those feel good feelings are returned to you through repeat business.</div>
<div class="cgg53">of consumers have a more favorable opinion of an advertiser if the promo product was made in the U.S.</div>
<div class="cgg48">of consumers would like to receive promotional products more often.</div>
<div class="cggbot">(We recommend throwing in a nice,<br />handwritten note for maximum oxytocin levels)</div>
<div class="ety">EMPLOYEE THANK YOU'S.</div>
<br />
<div class="ety1">STOPPING THE SPREAD OF INFECTION</div>
<br /><center>
<div class="ety2">While the spread of germs is an obvious threat, the spread of low morale can also create an unhealthy work environment. Rethink the way you reward your employees.</div>
</center><br />
<table width="100%">
<td width="33%"><b>High Five</b><br />Surface is covered in germs <br />which spread on contact.</td>
<td width="33%"><b>Pizza Party</b><br />While everyone loves pizza, <br />the effects are not long-lasting.</td>
<td width="33%"><a href="https://www.diamondbackbranding.com/collections/drinkware"><b>Branded Tumbler</b></a><br /> Made of durable material that lasts,<br /> it is very functional with their lifestyle,<br /> and can be given with the company logo.</td>
<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0431/6184/5920/files/employee_icons.png?v=1604957829" alt="EIcons" width="100%" />
Noob Pat
A Haworth 2020-12-03 21:19:40


问题在于问题中应用的样式在某些地方使用固定单位,但是原始站点使用的是相对于视口的完全相对大小,包括字体大小。这是必要的,因为尽管在适当的地方(例如网格)使用了“现代” CSS,但必须在需要在几个GIF上正确放置文本的地方应用相对定位和大小调整。



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<div class="container1">
<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0431/6184/5920/files/Blankwhite.jpg?v=1604940219" alt="WPHead" width="100%">
<div class="wphead1">THE SUPER SIMPLE</div>
<div class="wphead2">SCIENCE</div>
<div class="wphead3">OF PROMOTIONAL</div>
<div class="wphead4">PRODUCTS.</div>
<div class="wpright">There are pretty much three basic reasons why you'd be looking to order our products: To advertise to consumers in an effective way, To show your appreciation to existing or future clients, or to show your employees just how thankful you are for the work they do. <br>No matter the reasoning, we want to give you a simple look (through science, of course) on why promo merchandise is the best way to go about doing those things.</div>
<div class="wpad1">ADVERTISING TO OTHER COMPANIES.</div>
<div class="wpad2"><i>OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE RELATIVITY OF MASS</i></div>
<div class="wpad3">There is no debate, your business card is an important part of marketing that holds vital information for possible clients. Unfortunately, humans tend to lose small items all the time, even ones that hold extreme value. Don't let your future relationships depend solely on a modest piece of cardstock.</div>
<div class="container1">
<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0431/6184/5920/files/relativity_of_mass.gif?v=1604440786" alt="WhyPromo" style="width: 100%;">
<div class="relmass1">A single promotional item averages <b style="color: #c25e36;">344</b> impressions per month.</div>
<div class="relmass2">
<b style="color: gold;">82%</b> of people have a more favorable impression of a brand after receiving a promotional product.</div>
<div class="relmass3">
<b style="color: blue;">72%</b> of consumers believe that the quality of a promotional product is directly related to the reputation of the company.</div>
<div class="relmass4">The CPI of promotional products can be as low as <b>1/10th</b> of one cent - lower than nearly any other advertising medium.</div>
<div class="relcrd">
<b>Your Beautiful Business Card</b><br>Size: 2" x 3.5"<br>Weight: 0.05216 oz</div>
<div class="relphn">
<b>Your customers' 1000+ dollar phone</b><br>Size: 5.95" x 2.76"<br>Weight: 6.84 oz</div>
<div class="relhkey">
<b>Your customers' key to their very expensive home</b><br>Size: 1.38" x 2.76"<br>Weight: 0.246918 oz</div>
<div class="relckey">
<b> Your customers' key to their very expensive car</b><br>Size: 54mm<br>Weight: 3.80 oz</div>
<div class="relwlt">
<b>The thing that holds your customers' money and important personal information</b><br>Size: 3.5" x 4.5"<br>Weight: 5 oz</div>
<div class="container1">
<img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0431/6184/5920/files/client_gift_giving_circle.gif?v=1604953591" alt="Client-gift-giving" width="100%">
<div class="cggh">CLIENT GIFT-GIVING</div>
<div class="cggi">THE RELEASE OF OXYTOCIN</div>
<div class="cggleft">Client receives gift from you.</div>
<div class="cggmid">Oxytocin molecules are released in the body, creating that warm fuzzy feeling.</div>
<div class="cggright">Those feel good feelings are returned to you through repeat business.</div>
<div class="cgg53">of consumers have a more favorable opinion of an advertiser if the promo product was made in the U.S.</div>
<div class="cgg48">of consumers would like to receive promotional products more often.</div>
<div class="cggbot">(We recommend throwing in a nice,<br>handwritten note for maximum oxytocin levels)</div>
<!-- Not attached to any card, free floating -->      

<div class="ety">EMPLOYEE THANK YOU'S.</div>
<div class="ety1">STOPPING THE SPREAD OF INFECTION</div><center>
<div class="ety2">While the spread of germs is an obvious threat, the spread of low morale can also create an unhealthy work environment. Rethink the way you reward your employees.</div>
  <div class="grid-container">
  <div class="grid-item"><b>High Five</b><br>Surface is covered in germs <br>which spread on contact. <br><br> <img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0431/6184/5920/files/hands_1.png?v=1606939061" height=""></div>
  <div class="grid-item"><b>Pizza Party</b><br>While everyone loves pizza, <br>the effects are not long-lasting. <br><br> <img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0431/6184/5920/files/pizza_1.png?v=1606939061"></div>
  <div class="grid-item"><a href="https://www.diamondbackbranding.com/collections/drinkware"><b>Branded Tumbler</b></a><br> Made of durable material that lasts,<br> it is very functional with their lifestyle,<br> and can be given with the company logo. <br><br>  <img src="https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0431/6184/5920/files/drinkwear_1.png?v=1606939061"></div><br>
