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java-将 PRPS POSID 转换为 SAP 之外的格式化 WBS 元素

(java - Convert PRPS POSID to formatted WBS Element out of SAP)

发布于 2019-04-08 08:46:40

我正在寻找一种将表中POSIDPRPS转换为格式化的 WBS 元素的方法,例如 SAP 向我们展示没有 SAP 函数的情况。

我找到了TCJED获取掩码表格,我看到了一个 ABAP 函数来进行转换,但我对 ABAP 不满意。

有人知道如何使用 TCJED 表中的掩码吗?

有时0在 POSID 的末尾有一些,但它们不会出现在格式化的 WBS 元素上。

我想在 Java 或 SQL 中执行此操作。

[编辑 1 年 1 个月后 :) ]

我找到了解决方案,这里是 PL/SQL 代码:

掩码来自 tcjed 表。elementtoconvert 是原始 WBS 或原始 Proj。

if (trim(mask) = '' or mask is null or trim(elementtoconvert) ='' or elementtoconvert is null) then 
            return elementToConvert;
        end if;
        select substring(elementToConvert, 1, currentPos) into wbs_Element_formated;
        select currentPos + 1 into currentPos;

        select string_to_array(substring(mask, 2, length(mask)-1),'-') into parts;

        for i in 1 .. array_upper(parts,1) loop
            select parts[i] like 'X%' into isXGroup;

            if (currentPos > length(elementToConvert)) then
            end if;

            select currentPos + length(parts[i]) into endIndex;
            if (endIndex > length(elementToConvert)) then 
                select regexp_replace(substring(elementToConvert, currentPos), E'\\s+', '') into groupValue;
                select regexp_replace(substring(elementToConvert, currentPos, length(parts[i])), E'\\s+', '') into groupValue;
            end if;

            if (isXGroup and length(parts[i]) > length(groupValue)) then
                select groupValue || Repeat(' ', length(parts[i]) - length(groupValue)) into groupValue;        
            end if;

            select currentPos + length(parts[i]) into currentPos;   

            if isXGroup = false then 
                if trim(groupValue) = '' then
                end if;
                if (groupValue ~* ('0{' || length(parts[i]) ||'}')) then
                    if(parts[array_upper(parts,1) -1] = parts[i]) then 
                    end if;
                    select trim(substring(elementToConvert, currentPos)) into nextChars;
                    if(nextChars = '' or nextChars ~* ('0{' || length(parts[i]) ||'}')) then
                    end if;
                end if;
            end if;
            select wbs_Element_formated || '-' || groupValue into wbs_Element_formated;
        end loop;

            Exit when regexp_replace(wbs_Element_formated, E'\\s+$', '') not like '%-';
            select substring(wbs_Element_formated,1, length(wbs_Element_formated)-1)  into wbs_Element_formated;
        end loop;

        return trim(trailing ' ' from wbs_Element_formated);
yoann 2021-01-22 00:19:01

我找到了解决方案,这里是 PL/SQL 代码:

掩码来自 tcjed 表。elementtoconvert 是原始 WBS 或原始 Proj。

if (trim(mask) = '' or mask is null or trim(elementtoconvert) ='' or elementtoconvert is null) then 
            return elementToConvert;
        end if;
        select substring(elementToConvert, 1, currentPos) into wbs_Element_formated;
        select currentPos + 1 into currentPos;
        select string_to_array(substring(mask, 2, length(mask)-1),'-') into parts;
        for i in 1 .. array_upper(parts,1) loop
            select parts[i] like 'X%' into isXGroup;
            if (currentPos > length(elementToConvert)) then
            end if;
            select currentPos + length(parts[i]) into endIndex;
            if (endIndex > length(elementToConvert)) then 
                select regexp_replace(substring(elementToConvert, currentPos), E'\\s+', '') into groupValue;
                select regexp_replace(substring(elementToConvert, currentPos, length(parts[i])), E'\\s+', '') into groupValue;
            end if;
            if (isXGroup and length(parts[i]) > length(groupValue)) then
                select groupValue || Repeat(' ', length(parts[i]) - length(groupValue)) into groupValue;        
            end if;
            select currentPos + length(parts[i]) into currentPos;   
            if isXGroup = false then 
                if trim(groupValue) = '' then
                end if;
                if (groupValue ~* ('0{' || length(parts[i]) ||'}')) then
                    if(parts[array_upper(parts,1) -1] = parts[i]) then 
                    end if;
                    select trim(substring(elementToConvert, currentPos)) into nextChars;
                    if(nextChars = '' or nextChars ~* ('0{' || length(parts[i]) ||'}')) then
                    end if;
                end if;
            end if;
            select wbs_Element_formated || '-' || groupValue into wbs_Element_formated;
        end loop;
            Exit when regexp_replace(wbs_Element_formated, E'\\s+$', '') not like '%-';
            select substring(wbs_Element_formated,1, length(wbs_Element_formated)-1)  into wbs_Element_formated;
        end loop;
        return trim(trailing ' ' from wbs_Element_formated);