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python - 哪些Continuum API可用于跟踪工件,程序包和发行版?

发布于 2020-03-27 11:41:24

连续产品具有许多内置的UI插件,使团队可以跟踪从提交到生产的一系列故事和缺陷。有没有一种方法可以通过API来完成此工作,以帮助它与已经存在的管道集成Jenkins还是Azure DevOps?



hikaru 2019-07-04 02:12



Continuum is heavily dependent on telemetry from VCS, so at a minimum set up a webhook from your VCS (GitHub, GitLab, BB, etc) to a project defined in Continuum. This will allow continuum to correlate changes to your code base with "motivators for change" (workitems) in your chosen planning system (VersionOne, Jira, ADO, etc)

The simple act of sending VCS pushes to Continuum activates a ton of value - from Rogue Commit awareness to Risk Analysis.

Using Pipelines

Very often, value stream designers will trigger a Continuum pipeline even if there is other build automation already in place. (Continuum pipelines have many features and integrations not always available in other pure-automation devops tools.) When done this way, the Continuum pipeline will typically wait for data from the external process. Using this endpoint, the external process can signal when it's done, and Continuum will carry on its prescribed path.

Another common approach is to configure the Continuum project to stage the commits and workitems for a subsequent pipeline run to be triggered by the existing external automation. In this case, the manifest of data that was received in the VCS push is set up and ready to run, awaiting a simple trigger from the external job.

Using Packages

In more mature cases, where a value stream is fully defined in Continuum, you will need to embrace the concept of Package Progression. A higher level grouping mechanism that a pipeline, and far higher than simple "build pipelines", the Package Progression is a fully defined workflow and version management process for a product, including the ability to capture manual activities outside the domain of "devops", and generate comprehensive flow metrics. When using Packages, several API's are valuable.

If the external automation has created a build artifact that actually has a chance at being a production release candidate, use this API to tell Continuum to register a new revision of that package.







对Package Revision的当前状态感到好奇吗?这将返回有关其在值流中当前位置的详细信息。


