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laravel mysql php ldap lumen

php - 流明/ Laravel

发布于 2020-03-27 16:03:14





Ad_usersxad_groups是其他两个的联结表。现在,我正在做一个流明/ Laravel项目,我们正在使用雄辩的模型。我的ad_users表和ad_groups表具有以下模型:



namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Ad_user extends Model
   * The attributes that are mass assignable.
   * @var array
  protected $fillable = [

   * Hides pivot in return queries.
   * @var array
  protected $hidden = [

   * Many-To-Many relationship.
  public function ad_groups()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Ad_group', 'Ad_usersxad_groups');



namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Ad_group extends Model
   * The attributes that are mass assignable.
   * @var array
  protected $fillable = [

   * Hides pivot from return queries.
   * @var array
  protected $hidden = [

   * Many-To-Many relationshipl.
  public function ad_users()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Ad_user', 'Ad_usersxad_groups');

  public function extensiontables()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\extensiontables_registry', 'extensiontables_registryxad_groups');




  public function login(Request $request)
    $ldap = new LDAP;
    $jwt = new JWTAuth;
    $response = new Response;

    $this->validate($request, [
      'username' => 'string|required',
      'password' => 'string|required'

    if(!$ldap->authenticateUser($request->username, $request->password))
      return response()->json([
        'error' => 'User could not be authenticated'
      ], 401);

     * Synchronizes the user's data from ldap with the local db.
     * Used for better performance and mitigating network overhead.

    $response->header('Authorization', 'Bearer '.$jwt->generateJWT($request->username));
    return $response;

Here, the important part is the $ldap->syncData($request->username);. It calls to LDAP.php, where this code is executed:


  public function syncData($username)
        return false;

      $userData = $this->getUser($username, [

      $user = Ad_user::updateOrCreate(
        ['common_name' => $userData['cn']],
          'common_name' => $userData['cn'],
          'location' => $userData['l'],
          'description' => $userData['description'],
          'postalcode' => $userData['postalcode'],
          'physical_delivery_office_name' => $userData['physicaldeliveryofficename'],
          'telephone_number' => $userData['telephonenumber'],
          'initials' => $userData['initials'],
          'street_address' => $userData['streetaddress']

      // Remove everything but the user roles
      foreach($userData['memberof'] as $key=>$role)
        preg_match("/^CN=.+?,/", $role, $role);
        $userData['memberof'][$key] = substr($role[0], 3, -1);

      // Loop through every role because updateOrCreate cant handle arrays
      foreach($userData['memberof'] as $value)
        $roles[] = Ad_group::updateOrCreate(
          ['name' => $value],
          ['name' => $value]

      // Syncs current roles received from ldap with the local db
    catch(\Exception $e)
      $error =  array("exception_code" => $e->getCode(), "error_message" => $e->getMessage());

      return false;

I discovered that whenever a user logs into the system, records are inserted into the junction table. EVERY time, meaning theres a whole lot of redundant data being created. I guess the important part of the code causing this problem is this:


After 7 logins by the same user for example, the junction table looks like this:

select * from ad_usersxad_groups;
| Ad_user_id | Ad_group_id | created_at | updated_at |
|          1 |           1 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           2 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           3 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           4 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           5 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           6 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           7 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           8 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           9 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          10 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          11 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          12 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           1 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           2 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           3 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           4 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           5 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           6 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           7 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           8 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           9 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          10 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          11 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          12 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           1 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           2 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           3 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           4 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           5 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           6 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           7 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           8 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           9 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          10 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          11 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          12 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           1 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           2 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           3 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           4 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           5 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           6 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           7 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           8 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           9 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          10 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          11 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          12 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           1 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           2 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           3 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           4 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           5 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           6 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           7 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           8 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           9 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          10 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          11 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          12 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           1 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           2 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           3 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           4 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           5 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           6 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           7 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           8 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           9 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          10 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          11 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          12 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           1 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           2 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           3 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           4 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           5 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           6 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           7 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           8 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |           9 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          10 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          11 | NULL       | NULL       |
|          1 |          12 | NULL       | NULL       |

This is neither desired nor acceptable, but since I'm pretty new to lumen/laravel and also the php LDAP API in use here, I have really little to no idea what might cause this behavior Oo At least I'm pretty sure that MySQL/MariaDB does not effect this behavior, since the FOREIGN KEYs have no CASCADEs attached to them.



[2020-01-31 08:57:27] local.INFO: array (
  0 => 1,
  1 => 2,
  2 => 3,
  3 => 4,
  4 => 5,
  5 => 6,
  6 => 7,
  7 => 8,
  8 => 9,
  9 => 10,
  10 => 11,
  11 => 12,


| TABLE_NAME                         | COLUMN_NAME                 | CONSTRAINT_NAME                      | REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME    | REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME |
| ad_usersxad_groups                 | Ad_user_id                  | fk_ad_groupxad_user                  | ad_users                 | id                     |
| ad_usersxad_groups                 | Ad_group_id                 | fk_ad_userxad_group                  | ad_groups                | id                     |
| extensiontables_registryxad_groups | ad_group_id                 | fk_ad_groupxextensiontables_registry | ad_groups                | id                     |
| extensiontables_registryxad_groups | extensiontables_registry_id | fk_extensiontables_registryxad_group | extensiontables_registry | id                     |
| extensiontable_itc                 | coretable_id                | fk_extensiontable_itc_coretable      | coretable                | id                     |
| inaccessibletable                  | coretable_id                | fk_inaccessibletable_coretable       | coretable                | id                     |



Andrew Larsen 2020-01-31 17:12




public function ad_groups()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Ad_group', 'Ad_usersxad_groups');


public function ad_groups()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Ad_group', 'Ad_usersxad_groups', 'Ad_user_id', 'Ad_group_id');


public function ad_users()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Ad_user', 'Ad_usersxad_groups');


public function ad_users()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Ad_user', 'Ad_usersxad_groups', 'Ad_group_id', 'Ad_user_id');