温馨提示:本文翻译自stackoverflow.com,查看原文请点击:javascript - What does "With a regular function 'this' represents the object that calls the function" mean?
function javascript methods this

javascript - “使用常规函数'this'表示调用该函数的对象”是什么意思?

发布于 2020-03-28 23:33:18


I'm trying to understand this sentence, not in relation to arrow functions but by itself. It seems that many other sources I found on the net contradict to this, saying that when a function gets called on its own (not as a method), 'this' gets bound to either the toplevel object (e.g. window) or undefined, depending on strict mode.

So I built a simple example (running non-strict in the browser). I did not want to use the examples from the w3schools site because they use event handlers for explanation, and I want to make sure that I avoid any additional binding logic that event handlers introduce.

<script type="text/javascript">

function foo() {
    console.log('foo on ' + this.prop);

function bar() {
    console.log('bar on ' + this.prop);
    var f = this.foo;

var x = {
    prop: 'x'
window.prop = 'w';

x.foo = foo;
x.bar = bar;


This logs: "bar on x" and "foo on w", which seems to indicate that in foo, this refers to the window. So obviously the w3schools explanation does NOT refer to an automatic binding of foo's this to bar's this when foo gets called inside bar. But what else does it mean?



Martin Geisse
2020-01-31 17:57

Well, let's start with the premise that W3Schools has a less than stellar reputation and you shouldn't be thinking too hard about whatever it is they're writing. In fact, you should preferably read MDN instead.

In regular functions the this keyword represented the object that called the function...

好吧,是的,不…… 一个对象什么也没叫。一个对象就是。这是其他东西的容器。这样的“东西”可以是一种功能。然后,您可以有代码这需要的功能从“容器”,并调用它。因此,代码会调用函数,无论这些函数是对象的属性还是其他属性。



有关所有细节,您可以查看“ this”关键字如何工作?

这里的脚注是您可以使用在函数上或显式传递另一个函数,而胖箭头函数完全不遵循此规则。bind thisthiscallapply