温馨提示:本文翻译自stackoverflow.com,查看原文请点击:c# - Maximize zoom distance to fit 2 objects
c# unity3d camera trigonometry fieldofview

c# - 最大化缩放距离以适合2个对象

发布于 2020-03-28 23:34:37

目标:在Z轴上 移动摄像机位置,以使截锥体适合2个对象。


  • 其中一个对象将始终与摄影机X位置对齐
  • 相机设置为透视模式,而不是正交模式
  • 这两个领域没有父母

从顶视图在地形学模式下看到的结果应如下所示: enter image description here



enter image description here

Knowing that, the objective is to find the Adjacent side, which will be the distance between the camera and the black point that will still fit the yellow one.

TECHNICALLY this piece of code should find the adjacent value:

private float CalculateMaxZoomDistanceToBall()
    //Calculate angle from camera, should be divided of 2 cause it's placed on the middle of the line
    Camera currentCamera = cameraComp;
    angleDegrees = currentCamera.fieldOfView / 2; //(degrees)

    //pass the angle to radians 
    angleRadians = angleDegrees * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

    //Calculate the SinAngle
    sinAngle = Mathf.Sin(angleRadians);

    //Calculate Opposite       
    opposite = Mathf.Abs(blackPoint.transform.localPosition.x - yellowPoint.transform.position.x);

    //Calculate hypotenuse
    hypotenuse = opposite / sinAngle;

    //Calculate CosX
    cosAngle = Mathf.Cos(angleRadians);

    //Calculate adjacent distance
    adjacent = cosAngle * hypotenuse;

    return adjacent;

as the camera object is positioned at 0, I simply add the return value to the gameObject.transform.position.z

And someone could say "but this is looking for the vertical FOV, you need the horizontal one", okey, I've also tried with the horizontal one, finded with:

float vFOVrad = currentCamera.fieldOfView * Mathf.Deg2Rad; 
float cameraHeightAt1 = Mathf.Tan(vFOVrad * 0.5f);
float hFOVrad = Mathf.Atan(cameraHeightAt1 * currentCamera.aspect) * 2;
hFOV = hFOVrad * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

And it's not working, in some cases the camera position is to far of the espected position, sometimes it fits well and others it just goes to close.

Any help will be apreciated, thank you.



Ruzihm 2020-02-01 00:14



Camera cam = cameraComp;
Transform camTransform = cam.transform;
Vector3 yellowPos = yellowPoint.transform.position;

// <0 if on left, >0 if on right
float camDirection = Vector3.Dot(camTransform.right, yellowPos - camTransform.position);

// if it's directly straight ahead, do nothing.
if (Mathf.Approximately(camDirection, 0f)) return;


Ray edgeRay = cam.ViewportPointToRay(camDirection < 0f ? Vector3.zero : Vector3.right);


Plane yellowPlane = new Plane(camTransform.right, yellowPos);


float raycastDistance;
if (! yellowPlane.Raycast(edgeRay, out raycastDistance)) return; // should not return

Vector3 raycastPoint = edgeRay.GetPoint(raycastDistance);


float forwardDelta = Vector3.Dot(camTransform.forward, yellowPos - raycastPoint);

camTransform.Translate(0f, 0f, forwardDelta);


Camera cam = cameraComp;
Transform camTransform = cam.transform;
Vector3 yellowPos = yellowPoint.transform.position;

// <0 if on left, >0 if on right
float camDirection = Vector3.Dot(camTransform.right, yellowPos - camTransform.position);

// if it's directly straight ahead, do nothing.
if (Mathf.Approximately(camDirection, 0f)) return;

Ray edgeRay = cam.ViewportPointToRay(camDirection < 0f ? Vector3.zero : Vector3.right);

Plane yellowPlane = new Plane(camTransform.right, yellowPos);

float raycastDistance;
if (! yellowPlane.Raycast(edgeRay, out raycastDistance)) return; // should not return

Vector3 raycastPoint = edgeRay.GetPoint(raycastDistance);

float forwardDelta = Vector3.Dot(camTransform.forward, yellowPos - raycastPoint);

camTransform.Translate(0f, 0f, forwardDelta);
