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c++ file-copying windows

CopyFile cant found the file while i can open it from fopen

发布于 2020-03-27 10:18:28

I try to create a program that creates a backup of a folder. The problem is that when I try to use CopyFile function I get error 2 (FILE_NOT_FOUND) but I can open the file using the fopen and the exact same path. I also use utf-8 format.

void Folder::copy_files(std::string destination) {

    bool error = false;
    std::string destinationpath = destination;
    for (std::string i : Get_files_paths()) {
        std::string destinationpath = destination;

#ifdef DEBUG
        char str[100];
        const char* floc_cstr = i.c_str();
        LPCTSTR floc = (LPCTSTR)floc_cstr;
        printf("\t[DEBUG]FILE_LOC_PATH: %s\n", floc_cstr);
        std::cout << "\t[DEBUG]memory loc" << floc << std::endl;
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
        FILE* fp = fopen(floc_cstr, "r");
        if (fp == NULL) {
            printf("file not found");
        else {
            printf("file found \n");
            fscanf(fp, "%s", str);
            printf("%s", str);
        error = CopyFile(floc , (LPCTSTR)destinationpath.c_str(), false);
        if (error == false) {


From this code, I should expect to copy the file but I get the FILE_NOT_FOUND. does anybody know why this is happening? (if you need any other part of the code let me know)

Nikos Issaris
Nikos Issaris 2019-07-03 21:38

Thanks for the help at the comments, the solution was to use std::filesystem::copy_file(i,destinationpath); instead of
CopyFile(floc , (LPCTSTR)destinationpath.c_str(), false); Use of wstring wasnt necessary. So the code now is like that:

void Folder::copy_files(std::string destination) {
    const char* floc_cstr = NULL;
    bool error = false;
    std::string destinationpath;
    for (std::string i : Get_files_paths()) {
        try {
            destinationpath = destination;
            error = fs::copy_file(i, destinationpath);
            if (error == false) {
        catch(std::exception e) {
#ifdef DEBUG
            std::cout << "[DEBUG]" << e.what() <<std::endl;
            std::cout << "file exist\n";