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Return the list content contained in the given cell

发布于 2020-03-30 21:14:32

I have data like below. I would like to fill Column2 with a value in list column(E) if one of that value is substring of Column1. I am able to assert that condition and return TRUE or FALSE , but not return the actual string in List column. Any help? enter image description here

Update: I referred here to return TRUE or FALSE based on the condition

Foxfire And Burns And Burns 2020-01-31 18:19

You can do it combining SUMPRODUCT with INDEX.

I got this:

enter image description here

My formula in E1 and dragged down is:

=IFERROR(INDEX($E$1:$E$4;SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(SEARCH($E$1:$E$4;A6));ROW($E$1:$E$4)));"Not found")

This is how it works:

  1. Part SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(SEARCH($E$1:$E$4;A6));ROW($E$1:$E$4))) will return an array of 1 and 0 if the text is found/not found. And we multiply those 1 and 0 by the row number of each option in the list. If nothing is found, it will return 0
  2. With INDEX and the number returned in step 1, we just list the element.
  3. We trap INDEX with IFERROR because sometimes step 1 will return 0, raising error on step 2 if nothing is found, so we return text "not found".

Hope you can adapt this to your needs.

IMPORTANT: This formula will work if there is 0 or 1 coincidences. If there are more, the formula won't work, because it will return a sum of 2 or more row numbers, and then INDEX will raise an error. Watch out for that

Example: if you type GRAY DOG, the formula will return 5 (coincidences at row 1 and 4, and summed up). But with INDEX you are looking in a range of only 4 rows, not 5, so it will raise an error.