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Reading Data from different dimension when creating MDX queries in SSAS

发布于 2020-06-07 10:50:04

I am trying to create a query but it utilizes two different dimensions. I receive this error "Members, tuples, or sets must use the same hierarchies in the function." I've run this with/without the brackets in the row section and got the same error. How do I resolve this issue? Error Message/MDX Query

vldmrrdjcc 2020-03-25 17:43

You are using two different hierarchies of the same dimension [Dim Course] in the tuple which is not allowed.

You will have to change your query, something like this should work:

select {[Measures].[Dim Course Count],[Measures].[Dim Semester Count]} on 0,
{([Dim Course].[Course Code].[Course Code], [Dim Semester].[Academic Year].[Academic Year]) } on 1
from [CCSE-DM]
where [Dim Course].[Level1].[Level1]