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Problem after migration TFS 2010 to TFS 2017

发布于 2020-04-20 10:52:52

I upgraded TFS from version 2010 -> TFS 2013 Update 5 -> to TFS 2017.3.1. The migration was successful, without errors.

When we select any work item we get error:

TF400898: An Internal Error Occurred.

{"message":"TF400898: An Internal Error Occurred.","type":"System.NullReferenceException"}

enter image description here

Content?bundle=vss-bundle-basejs-vLDQ_BPnMflh1yV4rhP43SsHlun31XvwYB1svh7haP9E=:5 GET http://servr_name:8080/Colection/sssdddd59ad7c58-da11-49ed-a085-6acc62384a85/_api/_wit/workItemTypes?__v=5&typeNames=FDR&stamp=5-12c3sss1sss162-12c40e0-117e5b3-12c4b45-11884ddddsaf-12c4b4b-1sss2c3166-117e5c2-ffffdddsffff826b3e0c-0-0-stateColors-True 500 (Internal Server Error)

It looks like api can't read domain users who own the work item.

This is not a TFS cache issue because it has been cleared on the client and server.

It depends on the users. eg, TFS administrator does not have such an error, work item opens correctly.

What could be the reason for this error?

PatrickLu-MSFT 2020-02-17 16:50

Update 2

OP finally re-graduated 2010 to 2017 without the following command and it seems to have helped.

TFSConfig ChangeServerID /SQLInstance:server_db /DatabaseName:TFS_Configuration

First check Event Log in Event Viewer to see whether there is some useful information.

For the migration, make sure there are not any databases left from another TFS instance. Cleaning these up should help.

It depends on the users. eg, TFS administrator does not have such an error, work item opens correctly.

If this issue depends on users. That may related to permission sync up.

You could try to remove all users out of the project and add them back again. Which may do the trick.

Also double check the permission related settings. Whether they are added under an area with deny permission for security settings. Since in TFS, deny trumps allow.


If the upgrade was successful without any errors. Then this kind of error may related to the configuration.

You could try re-running the configuration wizard for the team project to fix the issue. How to please refer this tutorial: Configure features after an upgrade