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json slack-api

Slack API

发布于 2020-03-27 10:19:44

I have a issue ticket application and I want to post a message in dedicated channel when a new ticket is created. The idea is to have a basic inform message like 'new ticket' and a button leading to the ticket webpage.

But I have an issue with the slack api, I'm not able to add the button (only the text is posted). Even when I use the json of the documentation example, it doesn't work.

Note: I am able to post simple messages, no problem.

Tried to adapt the message, give an url to button in place of value


    "channel": "XXXXXXXXXX",
    "type": "section",
    "text": {
    "type": "mrkdwn",
    "text": "You can add a button alongside text in your message."
    "accessory": {
    "type": "button",
    "text": {
        "type": "plain_text",
        "text": "Button",
        "emoji": true
    "value": "click_me_123"

The result : https://i.imgur.com/8CueU0y.png

Even the text is not handled correctly.

Thibaud Lafont
Erik Kalkoken 2019-07-03 21:52

Your JSON does not follow the correct syntax for messages and can therefore not be displayed by Slack.

You need to include your JSON for the blocks under a property blocks in your message definition - on the same level like channel. Your JSON for blocks also needs to be an array.

Working example:

    "channel": "XXXXXXXXXX",
             "text":"You can add a button alongside text in your message."

See this link for the reference documentation on "Putting blocks in messages"