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Get real-time comments from videos live Facebook-live-api

发布于 2020-04-23 11:24:13

I'm setting up an endpoint to receive real-time comments from the live streaming video, I follow the steps in this document smoothly: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/server-sent-events/endpoints/live-comments/.

There was one person who commented directly on my live streaming video twice, and I also got those 2 comments, but that person's "id" in 2 comments is different. Can anybody explain me on this, and is there any way to fix it.

var source = new EventSource(

source.onmessage = function(event) {

response 1: { "from": { name: "Joe Commenter", "id": 126577551217199 },"message": "I like it!" }

response 2: { "from": { name: "Joe Commenter", "id": 23567175551752 },"message": "Great photo!" }

Brad 2020-02-08 07:01

They're two different accounts, probably a bot building a profile to be used for spam later.