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asp.net-core c# cookie-authentication

How to make cookie auth scheme generate relative login url instead of absolute one?

发布于 2020-03-27 10:15:52

When ASP.NET Core authentication scheme redirects to Login Page it sends absolute url to the browser.

Is is possible to make this url relative?

Pavel Voronin
Kirk Larkin 2019-07-03 22:39

You can handle the OnRedirectToLogin event to provide your own logic for the redirection process. Here's an example implementation:

    .AddCookie(o =>
        o.Events = new CookieAuthenticationEvents
            OnRedirectToLogin = ctx =>
               var relativeRedirectUri = new Uri(ctx.RedirectUri).PathAndQuery;

               context.Response.Headers["Location"] = relativeRedirectUri;
               context.Response.StatusCode = 401;

               return Task.CompletedTask;

The ctx.RedirectUri property passed in is absolute, so the code above makes a relative copy and uses that instead.

The default implementation that this replaces is a little more involved, as it supports both AJAX requests that return a 401 and non-AJAX requests that perform a redirect. If you need to support both, have a look at the source and modify it accordingly.