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bit byte c#

Bit shifting with enums

发布于 2020-05-03 05:52:59

I have 4 properties and want to shift them in a byte called controlByte. The TypeEnum for example has 4 entries (0 = Unknown, 1 = Red, 2 = Blue, 3 = Green)

  • Bit 0-1: TypeEnum
  • Bit 2-3: SpeedEnum
  • Bit 4: IsActive
  • Bit 5: Optional


 Byte controlByte = 0;
 controlByte  = (byte) (controlByte  | ((int)TypeEnum << 0));
 controlByte  = (byte) (controlByte  | ((int)SpeedEnum  << 2));
 controlByte  = (byte) (controlByte  | (IsActive ? 1 : 0 << 4));

Expected Result:

     | Optional | IsActive | Speed | Type |
 Bit 7          5          4       2      0

I'm not sure if the logic with the enums is correct. But the 3rd line with IsActive doesn't work. The Bit with index 0 is set instead of the Bit with index 4

jalsh 2020-02-14 18:04
controlByte  = (byte) (controlByte  | ((IsActive ? 1 : 0) << 4));

Your conditional reads like this: IsActive? then 1, not active then (0 with 4 left shift) a.k.a 0